Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lisa Fieg Finds Big Apple is her Oyster

By Greg Fieg and Judy Kestner

Unable to locate yoga toe socks for three years, New Yorker Lisa Fieg was delighted to learn how easy -- to a New Yorker -- it was to get to Target to buy the long-sought items.  All she has to do is go downstairs to Vernon Blvd., cross the street, go down into the subway and take the number 7 train to Queens, get off at 74th and Broadway at the Indian enclave of Jackson Heights, climb five levels to the R train to Grand Ave. at the Latino enclave of Elmhurst and walk one block.  Voila -- Target at Queens Blvd. and 56th Avenue and socks galore!

That reminds me of a joke:  A man from Mexico, speaking no English, came to Corpus Christi over the Easter holidays last year to go to the cathedral and decided to also do some shopping.  He went to the men's department at Dillard's.  The sales clerk, who spoke no Spanish, offered his assistance.  They went to the shirts, the man shook his head no.  Underwear?  No.  Ties?  No.  Finally they came to the footwear.  "Eso si que es!" exclaimed the customer.  "Well if you knew how to spell it," said the salesman indignantly, "why didn't you say so??"


1 comment:

Sarah said...

I want to thank Aunt Lisa for modeling her newly adorned foot for the post. My, what beautiful Fieg toes you have!