Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bob Morgan Returns From Visiting Ailing New Grandson in Canada

By Greg Fieg

Bob Morgan, Annie Bookhout's all-time favorite husband, recently returned home where he visited his new grandson, Kyle, two months old.

During grampa's visit Kyle contracted spinal meningitis, an illnesss of which some 70 percent of the victims are age five or under. The good news is that he will be home from the hospital soon.

Kyle's mother, Janice, and his father, Nick Soleros, live in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

While Bob was away, Annie remained at home in New York, taking care of her commercial equestrian stable, their farm and Bob's truck fleet. Annie is the daughter of the late Florence Fieg Bookhout and Hon. Richard J. Bookhout of Oneonta.

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