Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Survey Monkey Reveals All, Take 2

Here are the answers to the second Fieg Family survey.  Again, the correct answers are in bold italics -- surprise!!!

1. Diana Monaco's favorite movie, from which she quotes ad infinitum, is:
a.  Dr. Zhivago - 28.6%
b.  Tootsie - 14.3%
c.  Ordinary People - 28.6%
d.  Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion - 28.6%

2. Pasta with wine is the favorite food of:
a.  Ed Fieg Sr. - 57.1%
b.  Bobby McGonigal - 0%
c.  Jeff Whiteside - 14.3%
d.  Don Roman - 28.6%

3. Which version of the movie "A Christmas Carol" is the favorite of Anna Dangca:
a.  the black and white 1951 version - 42.9%
b.  the George C. Scott version - 28.6%
c.  the Jim Carrey version - 14.3%
d.  the 1938 version, introducing June Lockhart - 14.3%

4. Apple pie is the favorite food of which young lady:
a.  Nancy Fieg - 14.3%
b.  Kathy Clancy - 14.3%
c.  Maren Corkery - 42.9%
d.  Jennifer Boggs Murphy - 28.6%

5. When Emilie Kestner goes on vacation, she prefers to go:
a.  on a road trip - 28.6%
b.  to the beach - 28.6%
c.  to the mountains - 0%
d.  up north - 42.9%

6. One respondent's favorite food is "anything serving for function or use, i.e. food for thought." Who is this person?
a.  John Roman - 28.6%
b.  Jean Fieg - 42.9%
c.  Bill Doyle - 0%
d.  Steven Fieg - 28.6%

7. Greg Fieg's favorite food is Skyline Cincinnati-style chili. Who else shares this passion?
a.  Sarah Corkery - 71.4%
b.  Cade Dangca - 14.3%
c.  Heny Fieg - 0%
d.  Ed Williams - 14.3%

8. Annie Bookhout's favorite book is, appropriately enough:
a.  Seabiscuit - 42.9%
b.  Misty of Chincoteague - 0%
c.  The Horse Whisperer - 14.3%
d.  Black Beauty - 57.1%

9. Two respondents both selected Yosemite National Park as their favorite vacation spot. Who are they?
a.  Ed Fieg Sr. and Lisa Fieg - 71.4%
b.  Richard Fieg and Mary McGonigal - 0%
c.  Doris Holm and Greg Fieg - 14.3%
d.  Mark Roman and Ed Williams - 14.3%

10. Maxine Whiteside now prefers to stay close to home for vacations. What location was her favorite during her salad days?
a.  Chicago - 42.9%
b.  Florida - 0%
c.  Milford, PA - 0%
d.  New York City - 57.1%

My apologies to those who could not participate.  I think I did not manage the surveys in the correct way, but shall try, try again.

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