Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Does a Fieg Do When Introduced to Royalty?

Because Col. Ed Fieg is stationed at a British Apache helicpter base in Afghanistan, his path will soon cross that of Prince Harry, an Apache pilot who will spend some time in the combat zone.  When Ed is introduced to the prince he will be required to:
a.  address him as "your highness"
b.  wait to return his salute and address him as captain, because Ed, as a full colonel, outranks the prince
c.  nod and bow from the waist
d.  curtsy
Go to the blog and click on "comment" to find out the correct protocol!


Judy Kestner said...

Ed will wait to return Prince Harry's salute and then address him as captain, because, as a full colonel, our cousin outranks the prince!

Diana said...

That's 1 for the Fiegs