Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Monday, June 25, 2012

News From the Facebook Archives

Perhaps I should call this "Olds From the Facebook Archives."  On January 9, Mark Roman replied to a message from me and gave an update on his family. 

Mark is the youngest son of Dorothy Fieg Roman, who is the youngest child of Lothar Fieg Sr. of Oneonta, NY. who was the third child of Carl and Emilie Fieg of Pforzheim, Germany.  I am hopeful that Mark and his family will try to attend the reunion in August so we can catch up further!  Here is what he had to say:

"Robert, 27, is just working. Jessica, 25, an RN at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, is doing great. Makes almost as much as I do and I've been working for 35 years. I guess that tells ya getting a degree is the way to go.

Steven, 19, just returned from Kuwait on R&R has to return later this month; Shelby, 17, is a senior in HS, doing fantastic getting ready for graduation and college and Noah, 12, is doing well in middle school getting really good grades. [He and I] go to Las Vegas in March to see Monster Jam world finals. Very into monster trucks.

I turn 50 in March and me being the youngest cousin (I think) means we are all over 50 and there are many cousins much older than I. I have got to make an effort to see everyone...a bucket list to start I think:-)"

1 comment:

Judy Kestner said...

FROM STEVEN FIEG: I didn't realize he had that many kids.
FROM SARAH CORKERY: Wow…he had five kids! Nice!

Steven and Shelby are Mark's step-children.
