Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Nancy Fieg Enjoys Big Apple

Nancy Fieg, age 26, recently moved to Long Island City to live with her Aunt Lisa Fieg while looking for her own apartment, a successful search that has led her to her own digs in Sunset Park in Brooklyn.  She now shares a two-bedroom brownstone with another woman near her own age.  Outgoing kid that she is, she has made a lot of friends already.

Nancy is currently working full-time as a server at the American Girl Place restaurant on Fifth Avenue ("don't forget your doll!" says Lisa).  Nancy majored in hospitality at Iowa State University and her goal is to become an event planner in the future.  I'll bet herding little girls at the American Girl Place will give her a good taste of it!

While strolling the streets and byways of the city that never sleeps, Nancy has spotted several celebs including Edie Falco, Robert Pattinson, Al Roker and Barbara Walters.

As for Hurricane Sandy, Lisa reports, "lots of flooding, damage and trees down in Long Island City but fortunately not on my block.  My windows shook violently and the lights flickered all night but we did not lose power."

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