Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Year's Quiz Answers

Here, at last (thanks, Diana, for the kick in the rear), are the answers to our New Year's quiz.  Funnee!

A. The Babylonians first celebrated the new year
  1. 4,000 years ago
  2. 2,000 years ago
  3. in 1886
B.  In 46 B.C. Julius Caesar established the date for the new year, which was
  1. March 15
  2. January 1
  3. His mother-in-law's birthday
C.  January 1 has been widely celebrated as a holiday by Western nations since
  1. 1,000 years ago
  2. 400 years ago
  3. 1886
D.  The Babylonians also made New Year's resolutions.  Their most popular one was
  1. To have more children
  2. To drink more wine
  3. To return borrowed farm equipment
E.  The Tournament of Roses parade dates back to
  1. 1902
  2. 1915
  3. 1886
F.  Traditional New Year foods are thought to bring luck.  Many cultures believe that anything in the shape of a ring is good luck, because it symbolizes "coming full circle," completing a year's cycle.  For that reason, the Dutch believe that eating what on New Year's Day will bring good fortune?
  1. Donuts
  2. Bagels
  3. Life Savers
G.  The words "Auld Lang Syne" mean
  1. A good long year
  2. The good old days
  3. Return my farm equipment
Thanks to those who replied with answers and to those who scratched their heads in private.

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