Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Surprahz, Surprahz, Surprahz!

Here is an email received from Sue Williams:

Hi Judy,
Yesterday (1/9/15) Greg was coming thru the Chicago area and surprised us with another visit.  Here's my report.  Please use, change or do as you see fit w/the FFN:

On 9 Jan. 2015 Ed and Sue Williams had just finished dining out after a movie and the cell phone rings.  Surprise!  It's Greg Fieg calling Sue to take them out to dinner at one of his favorite Chicago restaurants, Portillo's.
Ed and Sue drove to the truck stop to pick him up and headed to Portillo's where Greg enjoyed a Chicago hotdog with all the trimmings. Ed and Sue just visited and wished they had had room for a hotdog themselves.

Greg was headed for Michigan but, due to a bad accident, the expressway was closed for several hours.  Now all he could do was sit and wait.  It gave Greg the perfect excuse to stop in Orland Park again.

1 comment:

Ed Fieg Sr. said...

A Greg Fieg "pop-in". How splendid! His daughters refer to it as "Fieg Storm".
I just turn out the lights and sit quietly.

To further immortalize your Gomer Pile euphemism, I will call on Andy Griffith's
Ernest T. Bass who who announces his coming to town by hurling a rock through
the window: "...it's me, it's me, it's Ernest T...". In this case: "...It's
me, it's me, it's Greg Fieg..." with a couple long blasts on the big truck horn.