Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Saturday, December 24, 2016

2016 Catch-up

Hi Twigs!

Here is a whirlwind catch up of stories buried in your editor's email files.  Hope you enjoy them, and that you can share them over the upcoming Christmas holidays.

Sue Williams, only daughter of the late Lothar "Bud" and Catherine Shafer Fieg, attended her 50th high school reunion in Ste. Genevieve, Mo. this past June.  She and hubby Ed visited with her brothers Doug and Steven, and Steve's wife Eleanor, while there.

At Steve and Eleanor's home: Steve, Richard, Sue, Eleanor, Doug, Ed

Doug and Sue at the cemetery

Anne Whiteside Still celebrated 60 years on this earth in June.  Here she is with her sibs Marsha Adams and Bob Whiteside II.

Doris Fieg Holm celebrated her 89th birthday in October. Looking good, Doris!  Who's the photo-bomber??

The Kestners in Corpus Christi survived another water alert in their city -- the fourth in about 12 months.  This time, instead of there being bacteria in the system, an industrial company had leaked a chemical into the water.   Luckily, before Judy had to decide whether to drive two hours to Harlingen, Laredo or San Antonio to stock up, the alert was lifted for their part of town.  Whew!

A Boy and his Dog
Greg Fieg travels everywhere with his little dog Rosie.  She helps brighten the hours spent on the road and also is a superb photographer's model!
Jennifer Roman will be performing in a production of "Annie" at the Upper Main Line Y in Berwyn, Pa.  She will play the part of the evil Miss Hannigan, following in the footsteps of Carol Burnett, Kathy Bates and Jane Lynch.  The show will run the last two weekends of April, 2017.  Jennifer is the wife of Don Roman, whose mom is the late Dorothy Fieg Roman.

Backwards Boy
Keenan Murphy, grandson of Liz Bookhout Boggs, learned a new trick this year -- his father must be so proud!

Moving On
Diana and Bill Doyle have moved!  They said, "New Hampshire's the place we want to be!" so they loaded up the truck and they moved to Madison.  The new address is 51 Little Shore Dr., Box 149, Madison, NH 03849.

Mary and Jack Wolcott also moved -- ahem -- last year.  They bought an ocean-front condo in St. Augustine, Fla. and plan on doing more "want tos" than "have tos."  Their address is 1 Dondanville Rd., Unit 2016, St. Augustine, FL 32080.

Drop them a line!


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