Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Monday, June 25, 2018

Seventy is The New Forty!

On this day, back in 1948, Lothar Fieg Sr. and his wife Catherine welcomed a little red-head into their family.

Susan F. Fieg was born at Fox Hospital in Oneonta, N.Y., the second of five siblings.  According to her baby brother, Steven, "Mom told her mother-in-law (Florence Celestia Shields Fieg) that the F was for Florence, but her birth certificate has just an F....  Aunt Catherine, of course, named her onlyiest daughter after  her mother, 'Susan' Maria Rosecrans Shafer."

We wish this lovely woman a happy birthday and a wonderful year ahead.  Proud to have you as a cousin, Sue!

Susan and Catherine on Susan's baptism day, 1948
Susan, Catherine and Lothar "Bud" Fieg, baptism day
Hallelujah!  Another red-head!  Emilie Fieg McGonigal with her niece, Susan

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