Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Picture This: Don Roman's Photo Background on "Live Chat" Radio

Don Roman was recently the guest on a live podcast about South Jersey photography, sharing his experiences in camerawork from middle school to the present. Don is the middle son of the late Bob and Dorothy Roman.

The host, Charles Kershenblatt, introduced Don, saying that for many years he had looked forward to having him on the show.

Don began with a description of the hook that got him interested in photography - his paternal grandfather's home dark room, in Utica, N.Y. - wending through his introduction to cinematography, close encounters with the likes of Buckminster Fuller, his work on a live-action "Scooby-Doo" film, and affectionate descriptions of the cameras he has owned throughout his life.

In one segment of the show, Don describes his six-month motorcycle trip to Guatemala with a buddy in the winter of 1983-84, when he actually stopped in Laredo and visited with cousin Greg Fieg and your editor's husband, Joe Kestner.  The results of that trip comprised his portfolio for admission into photography school.

Take a listen


Greg Fieg said...

We loved having Don and Ed! Central America was absolutely war torn at that time. Thank God we got them back in one piece, riding motorcycles literally held together with cement.

Greg Fieg said...

And case you missed that -- LITTERALLY!!