Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Fieg Reunion Movies Available on YouTube

Your editor recently received an email from Doug Fieg, son of the late Lothar Fieg, Jr.  Doug is a computer whiz, who also understands how to get stuff done on the Worldwide Web, and his latest coup was to upload movies taken by his dad and mine of Fieg reunions beginning in 1950, as well as shots of 1405 Knightwood Drive in the early '70s.

You'll grin from ear to ear as you watch our aunts and uncles waltzing around the dining room of an unnamed restaurant.  You'll go gaga over the baby faces of your cousins as they act silly for the camera.  You'll see how kids 'way back then kept busy outdoors, with nary an electronic device to be seen.  And you will really love seeing Grandpa and Grandma Fieg.

So click this link and, beginning with the still photo of ---- who can guess the name? -- enjoy a trip back in time.

Thanks, Doug, for your hard work!


Greg Fieg said...

Can't thank you enough Doug for rescuing these hisoric and invaluable family images. All watch!

Greg Fieg said...

Thanks a million, Dougie!