Old proverb: "To speak the names of the departed is to make them live again."

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Judy Kestner Directs Three-day Girl Scout Event

On July 6, 7 and 8 your editor directed the annual Summer Fun event conducted by the Lone Star Service Unit of the Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Council attended by sixty Girl Scouts, fifteen adult volunteers and thirteen camp aides.

The girls learned about patriotism and what makes our country the best in the world at this event titled "Red, White and Blue: Patriots Through and Through."  They learned flag etiquette and history, played games that girls in colonial times played, made their own ice cream and butter in Ziploc bags (just like girls in colonial times) and were entertained by speakers from the VFW, local historical society and a real live female Navy lieutenant who is a pilot and pilot trainer.

Since one of the craft leaders was sick for the last two days I had to wear her hat as well as mine.  That meant that some of the activities I had planned did not come to fruition, and others were not as detailed as I would have liked, but all in all it was a great success, and the leaders even pitched in and bought me a hummingbird feeder (my camp nickname is Bird Lady) and a $50 gift card to Chili's Restaurant.

One of the most helpful aides was, of course, my own daughter, Emilie Kestner, who is proficient in herding cats, and proved to be equally skilled with the little girls.  Emilie even mopped the floor at the end of the last two days while her mother sat, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, rubbing her throbbing feet.

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